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Placement in Sober Living

A safe and supportive environment is an essential part of an effective addiction treatment aftercare plan. Maryville Integrated Care coordinates referrals and interviews for sober living placements to help our clients integrate back into the community while maintaining their recovery.

What Are Sober Living Homes?

Imagine a place where you can focus on your new goals, away from bad habits and influences. Sober living homes provide the security and accountability that are crucial in the early phases of addiction recovery. Surrounding yourself with people who are all working toward the same goal means you get patience and understanding at every turn.
Immediately jumping back into your old life after completing your stay in residential treatment can be daunting. The more structure you have, the better your chances are for long-term recovery. Sober living homes provide that extra layer of support, helping you stay on track when you’re most vulnerable. A sober living environment offers a community and lifestyle that help you avoid stress and triggers while you maintain your focus on recovery.

The Perks of Sober Living

Returning to the “real world” can feel overwhelming after the supervised environment of rehab, even if you feel motivated. Here’s how sober living can help you manage your sobriety while dealing with life’s ups and downs.
  • Community: Living with others in recovery means you have a built-in peer group. It will be a source of strength to know you aren’t in this alone.
  • Stability: Sober living homes have clear-cut rules and expectations that help residents build healthy habits and a consistent daily routine. For instance, you may need to undergo random alcohol and drug screenings or participate in group therapy meetings.
  • Connection: Staying in touch with the recovery community through a sober living home can make it easier to avoid triggers and prevent a relapse.
  • Resources: A sober living community will give you the tools to build the foundation for a bright future with services such as training and counseling.

Make a Fresh Start in a Sober Living Home

A sober living home might be the right choice if you’re unsure how to bridge the gap between a residential program and life in the outside world. It’s a place to strengthen your recovery foundation, learn how to stay substance-free while dealing with life’s challenges, and build relationships that support your new lifestyle.
At Maryville, we help our clients make a smooth transition to sober living. If you or someone you love is considering the next step after treatment, we’re here to guide you through the process of finding sober living placement and achieving lifelong recovery. Contact us to learn more.

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