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Family Education and Support Group

At Maryville Integrated Care, we understand addiction has a far-reaching impact on spouses, family members, and other loved ones. We host a free family education and support group for the public that meets on the first and third Fridays of each month in Turnersville. It offers mutual care and helps develop coping skills for those who care about someone living with a substance use disorder.

Benefits of Group Meetings

This group is ideal for anyone who feels impacted by a loved one’s battle with addiction. We are here to assist, whether you need emotional guidance, want to learn more about substance misuse, or are seeking ways to help your loved one in their recovery.
  • Mutual support: Though confronting addiction in your relationships can make you feel isolated, you are never alone. The group provides a space to share experiences and gain comfort from others who understand what you’re going through.
  • Education: The group offers valuable information on the disease of addiction, the recovery process, and treatment options. This knowledge can be empowering for family members and friends.
  • Understanding family roles: Addiction can affect family dynamics. The group helps participants understand these changes and learn healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Recognizing enabling vs. support: One of our central focus areas is teaching participants the difference between enabling addictive behavior and providing constructive support. This insight is crucial for helping your loved one without allowing their problems to worsen.

Supporting Your Loved One and Each Other

Counseling is not only for the person working to overcome addiction. Anyone close to them can benefit. Our group leader is Michael Girimont, BA, CADC, who brings over 20 years of experience as an addiction specialist. He’s been the primary facilitator for our family program since 2018. He guides the discussions, showing each participant how their actions have affected the family dynamics.
When someone close to you struggles with addiction, it creates tension and imbalance. Feelings of resentment, dishonesty, and mistrust can grow. In these meetings, you will gain a common ground to handle conflicts and unspoken issues with love and compassion. You’ll also learn how addiction works and what makes treatment successful.

Join Us for Family Addiction Counseling

Dealing with a loved one’s addiction is stressful and can wear you down. Constant worry can lead to physical and mental health problems like high blood pressure and depression. Through therapy, you will learn ways to take care of your well-being while helping your loved one avoid relapse and stay motivated in recovery.
We invite you to become part of our family education and support group. It’s a place where you can learn, grow, and find strength in the community. Together, we can navigate the complexities of addiction and its effects on your relationships. For more information, please contact us at Maryville Integrated Care.
Partially funded by the Camden County Board of Freeholders, the Camden County Department of Health & Human Services, and the Gloucester County Department of Human Services

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