Gerald Faich, MD, MPH Elected to the Board of Trustees

Gerry Faich

Dr. Jerry Faich was elected to serve on the Board of Trustees. Dr. Faich trained in Internal Medicine and Epidemiology. Clinically he spent 20 years as an emergency medicine physician. During his 23-year Public Health Service (PHS) career he served at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),  with assignments in Central America and Rhode Island. Subsequently, he was in charge of pharmaceutical safety at Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for 7 years. After the PHS, he was CEO of a large contract research organization and was a consultant focused on pharmaceutical safety and risk. More recently, he consults on COVID 19 and gives short courses at Temple U. Jerry has 4 children and 10 grandchildren and is a gardener and enjoys time at the Shore.

Welcome Dr. Faich!


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